None of us are the worst thing we’ve ever done or experienced.
- Lisa D. Daniels
The Darren B. Easterling Center for Restorative Practices develops and advances trauma-informed solutions to support communities of color directly impacted by violent crime and mass incarceration.

You Matter
(Men’s Re-entry Program)
You Matter is a trauma-informed therapeutic workshop designed for men of color who have served long-term prison sentences helping promote successful reentry to reduce recidivism.

I Am Enough
(Women’s Program)
A therapeutic intervention model specifically designed by women who’ve lived the same experiences, working in collaboration with local mental health professionals who have an expertise in trauma-informed care.

Street Law Revolution
(Youth Empowerment Workshop)
A workshop hosted by four separate community partners where young men of color between the ages of 14-20 will learn their basic civil rights during a police encounter.

Give Today
The Darren B. Easterling Center for Restorative Practices serves to promote trauma-centered recovery in the lives of individuals—both victims and offenders—who live with the effects of violent crime and your donation supports and funds our work and goals enabling us to continue the task of repairing the harm associated with trauma and violence.