You Matter - Reentry Workshop
Although numerous studies have highlighted the negative consequences of mass incarceration, life-course and criminal career research has largely failed to document psychological, social, and behavioral changes that occur during periods of incarceration. This oversight is particularly noteworthy in the case of individuals serving long sentences, as they spend a significant portion of the life course behind bars.
The policies and programs targeting prisoners are seldom tailored to long-termers and lifers, and we know little about effective interventions, or even how to measure effectiveness, for this population. The “one size fits all” approach to reentry programming may not be meeting the needs of long-termers.
You Matter
“You Matter” is a culturally relevant, trauma-informed therapeutic support model designed specifically for formerly incarcerated indiv who’ve served long-term prison sentences. For purposes of this project, we have defined a long-term prison sentence as 10 consecutive years. The model offers individualized services by adhering to the three evidence-based principles of risk, need, and responsivity. By using an asset-based approach, the “You Matter” model will help this neglected population cultivate and engage in prosocial relationships and activities, including intimate-domestic relations, parenting, employment, and civic-religious organizations, consequently promoting successful reentry to society, and reducing recidivism.
For more information, please contact us.