Street Law Revolution - Youth Empowerment Workshop
The “Street Law Revolution” Youth Empowerment Workshop is a collaborative effort between The Center, community partners and subject matter experts convening for an interactive workshop, to be hosted by four separate community partners, where young men of color between the ages of 14-20 will learn their basic civil rights during a police encounter.
Each 2.5-hour session will include presentations by criminal defense attorney April Preyar, inventor of the board game Trials and Triumphs--a board game that teaches teens and adults how to safely interact with the police--along with interactive role play by attendees in an effort to demonstrate comprehension in addition to a representative of the Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender’s, Police Station Representation Unit (PSRU).
Street Law Revolution
If you are interested in hosting a “Street Law Revolution” workshop, please contact us.
Thank you to our community partners for hosting this workshop:
Contextos Chicago
Next event TBA
Sunshine Gospel Ministries
Next event TBA
Youth Peace Center - Roseland
Next event TBA
Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation
Next event TBA